
© 2015 Full Moon Maggie Productions

Site by Original Abbie.
Hosted by Galie Media

As I Roved Out

December 18, 2012 - Author: Original Abbie

As I Roved Out

17/01/07 13:18 Filed in: As I Roved Out
As I Roved Out
Irish TraditionalArrangement by Jennifer Mylod
Oh and who are you, my pretty fair maid
Who are you, me honey?
Who are you, my pretty fair maid
And who are you, me honey?
She answered me quite modestly:
“I am me Mother’s darling”.chorus: With a too-ry-ah
Di-re fo-de-diddle
Dai-rie oh.

Oh and will you come to me Mother’s house,
When the moon is shining clearly (repeat)
I’ll open the door and I’ll let ya in
And divil ‘o one will hear us… chorus

So he went to her house in the middle of the night
When the moon was shining clearly (repeat)
Shc opened the door and she let him in
And divil the one did hear them… chorus

Well she took his horse by the bridle and the bit
And she led it to the stable (repeat)
For there’s plenty of oats for a soldier’s horse,
To eat it if he is able… chorus

Then she took him with her lily-white hand
And she led him to the table (repeat)
For there’s plenty of wine for a soldier boy,
To drink it if he is able… chorus

Well then he got up and made a bed
And I made it nice and easy (repeat)
Then he got up and he laid her down
Saying: Lassie, are ya able?… chorus

So and there they lay till the break of day
And divil a one did hear them (repeat)
Then he arose and put on his clothes
Saying: Lassie, I must leave ya… chorus

Oh and when will you return to me?
And when will we be married? (repeat)
When broken shells make Christmas bells..

We may well be married…. chorus

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Star of the County Down

- Author: Original Abbie

Star of the County Down

17/01/07 13:18 Filed in: Star of the County Down
Star of the County Down
Irish Traditional
Arrang. by Jennifer Mylod

Near to Banbridge town in the County Down
One morning in July,
Down a boreen green came a sweet colleen,
And she smiled as she passed me by.
She looked so neat, from her two white feet
To the sheen of her nut-brown hair.
Sure the coaxing elf, I’d to shake myself
To be sure I was standing there.

From Bantry Bay – to Derry Quay,
And from Galway to Dublin town,
There’s no maid I’ve seen like the sweet colleen
That I met in the County Down.

As she onward sped, sure I shook my head,
And I gazed with a feeling – quare.
And I said, says I, to a passer-by,
“Who’s the maid with the nut-brown hair?”
He smiled at me, and with pride says he,
“That’s the gem of old Ireland’s crown,
That’s Miss Rosie McGann from the banks of the Bann,
She’s the Star of the County Down.”…………………..chorus

She’d a soft brown eye, and a look so sly
and a smile like a rose in June
And you held each note from her lily white throat
as she lilted an Irish tune
At the pattern dance you were in a trance
as she tripped through a jig or reel
Then her eyes she’d roll she could lift your soul
and your heart she would likely steal………………..chorus

At the harvest fair, she will surely be there,
And I’ll dress in my Sunday clothes,
With my hat cocked right and my shoes shone bright
For a smile from the nut-brown rose.
No pipe I’ll smoke, no horse I’ll yoke,
Let the plough with the rust turn brown,
‘Til that smiling bride by my own fireside
Sits the Star of the County Down…………………….chorus


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All Hallow’s Eve!

December 17, 2012 - Author: Original Abbie

The bewitching night – is rapidly approaching… All Hallow’s Eve celebration coming!

Jennifer and Philip hosting their – not so regular – Tuesday evening of Irish music – at St. Stephen’s Green Public house, from 7 to 10pm…
witch & viking
Why am I saying ‘not so regular?” Because we’re usually graced with a host of characters… witchs, vikings, baseball players, monsters, scarecrows, skeletons… and the like….. for it’s soon to be… All Hallow’s Eve – and our music on the 30th… falls close to that bewitching night… So we’ll be there – haunting the stage not as ourselves… but as various creatures, and characters… come on out and join us!!!
tom & rich
and playing music – to chase off the evil ghosts & goblins who haunt the night!


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Hello world!

December 15, 2012 - Author: Original Abbie

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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Wild Irish Music – Nov 20, 2012

November 18, 2012 - Author: Original Abbie
November/20/12 03:38 PM

Jennifer and Philip are hosting their regular – Tuesday evening – bringing you live Irish music… with alternating co-hosts Rich Braughtigam & Frank Curran. So come on out & enjoy the jigs, reels, polkas, hornpipes, waltz’s… as well as the beautiful & sometimes sassy songs – at the BEST IRISH PUB on the Jersey Shore – St. Stephen’s Green, in Spring Lake, NJ ……….. TIME: 7 to 10:00 pm!

Also, you can also check us out on Facebook! We’ve got a band page there… with more fun stuff going on, photos & occasional videos!

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